The Karmic Soul

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June Forecast Unveils Transformative Shifts

Mercury, since the beginning of the month, has left Taurus and is speeding through Gemini.  He wants to arrive in Cancer by mid-month, so you'll feel an urgent push to keep pace. Although there’s a lot to take onboard, try not to let yourself get left behind during this fast-moving, transformative period, as you need to focus your efforts.  Listen up!

Luckily, Jupiter, together with Venus are the most beneficial planets for us in astrology.  They make things easier than usual, and they are both transiting through the Gemini constellation.  

Jupiter has already begun his year long journey through the early degrees of Gemini, bringing blessings.  He is known for his positive influence on communication, languages, and any learning journey you wish to undertake.    Venus is paving the way until June 18, starting projects for Jupiter to finish.

What are you up to, Gemini and Leo?  It’s a very fortuitous time for you, and you have to shoulder the great burden.  You know what you need to do, but others around you are dragging their feet and not giving you the information you need on time.

But don’t wait for others. Start now if you can. With what you know and can do, by late July, you'll see some pleasing progress. Over the next nine months, you can reach an impressive level of expertise. Set your goals and take advantage of this very auspicious period.

Your mental agility is something else for the first two weeks of the month. Mercury wants you to focus on what’s emotionally important to you and keep your mind away from the massive changes the world is experiencing. He’s helping you avoid burnout.

For some, June brings significant, but not unexpected, news from overseas about someone who has suffered ill health.  You may need to spend time with your siblings, sorting out the legalities, or executing the last wishes of senior members who were physically ready for brighter days on the other side.

Thank goodness for the New Moon in Gemini on June 6.  She gives you a mental boost and the energy you need with so many things on the go.  

The Sun, Moon, and Venus concentration hints that you are looking for a new hobby or interest. You may be ready to explore a spectrum of topics and dreams.  

Now is the perfect time to start learning something new that will undoubtedly benefit you in the future.  It will be valuable knowledge to focus on areas like technology, health, and science to enrich your mind. This is particularly important if you aim to become more independent.   

Although your mind is likely very engaged, watch for the upcoming challenges and frustrations on June 8 .  With a stellium (group) of planets in Gemini until the 17th, don’t miss an excellent opportunity to sell yourself.  If you can, spend time with your coach or mentor during the first two weeks. I know you’re super busy, but you have enough gas in the tank to plan and prioritize your mid-term goals through December 22.  

For lucky singles, there is an opportunity to meet a charming or well-spoken suitor. Enjoy the fun and flirtation, but know that they might just be looking to impress you with their natural charm.  Pop in some boundaries and take what they say as embellished, for now.

Make sure you use Mars’ Aries energy before he slows down significantly from June 10 when he enters Taurus.  You will want to turn to the material world, have a little self-indulgence and physical pleasures, and become more habitual until July 21.   

We are seeing a similar theme in the skies everywhere we look.   The asteroid, Vesta - Goddess of Devotion and Service, is also weighing in to help you commit to what’s important until June 19.  She will balance your ambition with your aspirations.  

Remember the Vestal Virgins of Ancient Rome, the daughters of the royal household who committed to keeping the hearth for 30 years? Well, their job was to keep the flame alive, and the lesson here is that if you stay steadfast in your mission, you, too, can enjoy honours and privileges. You won’t want to emulate their alternative of being buried alive!  

When all this frenetic Gemini energy dissipates, a different set of issues arise when the Sun enters Cancer on June 21,  the summer solstice.   You’ve got this, though.  

A powerful Full Moon in Capricorn immediately follows the dawning of Cancer season on June 22.  

When the Moon is in this lunation, you will possess a strong drive for productivity whilst appearing calm and composed.  Again, the same theme is showing up for the third time: set practical goals and work diligently to achieve them, carefully plan your strategy and avoid where you can any undue risks. You appear to others to be in control and competent, a facade of course, you may be struggling with your inner saboteur but no one will know.

Oh dear, emotional anxiety is high over the last ten days of the month, triggered in part by your headstrong attitude. The stars are asking you to pace yourself. Focus on accomplishing your tasks by sticking to the plan. 

On June 30, Saturn stations Retrograde.  Don’t panic. It’s not like Mercury Retrograde.  Saturn is just going over what he’s missed.  He needs to check that the foundations are solid before he builds his dream home.  Relationships may feel strained, so journal your thoughts rather than kick off at the other for things weighing heavily on them. Reflect on more optimistic conversations you had back in mid-March for best results with your valued partner, and above all, don’t lose sight of your dreams. 

Libra, Virgo, Taurus, and Aquarius will likely navigate this month more smoothly than most. On the other hand, Aries may experience heightened irritability and should be mindful to avoid provoking those more sensitive.  If you’re struggling, Pisces men are the go-to people in the zodiac for advice.  They are very empathetic listeners who can offer a balanced perspective and words of comfort to keep you going for another day.   

There’s a lot on, so as your mother’s mother’s mother would say, gather your rosebuds whilst you may!