9-12 April 2022
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune (exact)
For the first time since May 2009, the planet of illusion, Neptune, will be making an exact aspect with Jupiter who expands everything he touches. Both are in Pisces, their home sign. Society dictates your thoughts so you will be consumed with the importance of how out of balance everything is. There appears to be so many unexpected expenses around things you need.
Jupiter is in a water sign and he brings abundance. Pisces is changeable in the water element, expect rain, mist, fog, snow or even hail. It is a weather pattern that remains unusually long, probably closer to the end of April. It has an effect on the larger population and/or environment, you may need to move to a neighbouring area or move in with your sibling for a short time, or spend a couple of nights at an educational institution until the problem subsides.
A major conjunction of planets this size and speed point to a lasting effect on your personality, so check the house is Jupiter in Pisces is transiting in your chart; and the changes that impact you. This aspect is not seen this again until March 2035.
Let’s focus on 2022. Until January 2026, Neptune is in Pisces, affecting our generational mindset. He shines a light on inspiration, creativity, spiritual growth, new cultural concepts and of course, sacrifice. You may experience an extended period of renouncing something. This leads to a deeper connection or soul understanding.
What do you need to give up until for at least the next three to four weeks? It’s something you have had to do before. Expect positive gains as a result. You are quiet and unassuming during this time whilst you selflessly go about what you need to do. Periodic seclusion maybe required but with unpleasant aspects you may shirk your responsibilities or become overly-emotional. Try to practice compassion and sympathy for others instead. You may wish to donate anonymously or without publicity to a cause such as social work, hospitals or religious life. Charity is frequently associated with Jupiter in Pisces, particularly in the 12th house of karma and confinement, this is where Jupiter is transiting at the moment.
Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions are felt by everyone as they are slow moving planets. Jupiter takes approximately a year in each sign and Neptune up to 14 years in a sign. Did you know Neptune takes 165 years to complete the entire zodiac?
Because Jupiter is sitting right on top of Neptune, the energy is more intuitive and deeper in effect than you may at first imagine. Loved ones will weigh heavily on your mind, with an overwhelming sensitivity in areas that you are struggling to come to terms with or haven’t deal with. Everything is changing but frustratingly the path still isn’t clear. It’s one blind step at a step at the moment. On a positive note, you will know what the day ahead holds before you begin. These thoughts stay only with you. Your insights become evolutionary, a turning point as it were so don’t squander the opportunity and let it pass.
Are you happy to stay as you are or will you grow into the person you were meant to be? Ignoring this rare opportunity could be a mistake. You can be forgiven for not kicking goals, it’s slow going. Does everything appear out of proportion on the surface? It’s nothing compared to what is going on inside of you. It is an excellent time to journal your thoughts and experiences, you will certainly be referring back to them in the future.
How you can come to terms with your living arrangements or a place where your heart belongs? It appears as a key theme. Keeping to a budget will be difficult as you need to make payments that appear to arrive out of nowhere. It’s not as if you’re even flying high.
Sadly this aspect can also indicate a loss of life, even extensively, watch for hidden enemies who are driven by outdated ideologies, or one of personal gain - they want to change the narrative to suit themselves. Souls are being laid to rest. They are weary. I see those fighting on their own soil being guided by God. They are the more protected in any conflict. The aggressor’s strategy is not only highly changeable, but highly emotional, and almost petulant in mood.
Women need to take particular care as they are not only discriminated against, they need to avoid becoming a target in the own home during this time. Opposite sides are driven by ferocious emotions and focused on coming through the fires of hell for the betterment of their society. The overall result will likely not turn out as planned for any cruel, heartless and vindictive perpetrator. The conflict is driven by financial incentive, they seek redemption.