The Karmic Soul

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Jupiter in Aries

11 May 2022 - 16 May 2023

It’s time to celebrate as gift giving Jupiter, has just entered impulsive, competitive and courageous Aries for the next year! Jupiter is ruled by Sagittarius, so shows us what it’s like to have fun, be heroic and shoot from the hip. Jupiter also has the propensity to embellish things. He likes you to pay attention, especially when he is around. Aries can lack follow through, Jupiter will be keeping a close eye on you over the next month before he continues through the rest of the zodiac. He knows you can do more, and do better.

In your birth chart where does Aries sit for you? That’s the house Jupiter will start his transit through for you, affecting you more. Do you have any me-first tendencies? Set them aside even if you have a talent for leadership. Jupiter is holding his annual review of last years performance and his expectations moving forward. He will be reviewing what was said and done. Mercury Retrograde has joined him on the review panel so there is no wriggling out of sticky situations. They are going through everything in detail.

Jupiter doesn’t appear to be in the mood for any impetuous or rebellious behaviour, particularly by women. Do you have control issues? If you feel repressed, excluded or want to fight for your rights, Jupiter has listened patiently but now he’s exasperated and wants to know how much pain will you endure for the sake of your ego? Stop caring about what others think.  By July, your grip loosens. Circumstances have broken you down for the better.   Compassion, humility and spiritual wisdom is the new name of your game.

Jupiter will retrograde back into Pisces late October until late December, putting the petulant ones firmly in the naughty corner.   Others have been given spiritual protection, that is if you have consistently, and honestly put others needs before your own. By New Year everyone should be on the same page and ready to move forward with far more certainty in their life. 

Expect the next twelve months to be one of tremendous personal growth; keep an eye on Jupiter transits through the 2nd, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th houses with luck doubling in the 11th and any Sagittarius ruled house.