The Karmic Soul

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Lot of Spirit: Creating a Life That Feels Right

Creating a Life That Feels Right!

Astrology is not always easy, it requires critical thinking.  The journey is always more exciting than the destination, right?   So take the time to learn about yourself manually rather than rely on an app to tell you (much of which you promptly forget).

Intro The Lot of Spirit.  It’s what motivates you and will help you better understand what motivates others. 

The Lot of Spirit governs our consciousness, intellect, soul, rational thought, faith, spirituality, career, and thought processes.  What do you admire and aspire to?  It’s where your spirit soars.  Let’s look at some examples.  Find the zodiac sign on the cusp - it’s known as the Lord of the Lot.  What house does your Lot of Spirit fall?).  Apply the zodiac archetypes of that sign.

How to Calculate it online 

Do you have a Venus-ruled Lot of Spirit? You will likely be more socially intelligent and graceful and prioritise experiences and their senses.

Do you have a Mars-ruled Lot of Spirit? You will likely be more assertive and have the desire to enact change. 

Do you have a Mercury-ruled Lot of Spirit? You will likely be more curious, craving intellectual stimulation and play.

Do you have a Jupiter-ruled Lot of Spirit? You will likely be more generous, friendly, and magnanimous.

Do you have a Saturn-ruled Lot of Spirit? You will likely be more reserved, dignified, and contemplative.

Do you have a Sun-ruled Lot of Spirit? You will likely be more spirited and passionate, someone with a vision.

Do you have a moon-ruled Lot of Spirit? You will be more likely to be reflective, more attentive to the needs of others, and very instinctual.

According to Masha'allah, the 8th-century Persian-Jewish astrologer, astronomer, and mathematician from Iraq, “if the Lot of Spirit is in the 2nd, 6th, 8th, or 12th house, the person will likely be too open with their thoughts.”   If the Lord of the Lot is retrograde, the person will convert from the religion they were raised into another.  

Don’t forget to check the house topics to see what professions best suit you! As always, have fun and don’t forgot to check out your friends and lovers charts for comparison.