The Karmic Soul

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Metaplanet Madness

If you have been following the media (or even if you haven’t), you may notice it has been an explosive few weeks since Mars came onto the scene with a vengeance.  He likes to make himself known.

On October 7, we saw a strategic Mars just finishing his tour of Libra and in a direct degree with his natal Uranus in the same sign at 26 degrees, suggesting an unexpected rocking of the apple cart. He is a sore loser, acting impulsively and even foolhardily. It looks like Mars had enough of being told what to do, and with control-freak Pluto in Capricorn in his final degrees of the 9th house, topics of religion, philosophy, law, politics, commerce and ideologies were on his agenda.   So, too, were bigger dreams.   

On 12 October, Scorpio moved into his home sign of Mars, where he astrologically becomes more unhinged and explosive if you don’t play his game.  In his natural sign, he can also be highly controversial.  Verbal attacks, legal difficulties and a need to prove oneself are subjects that all come to the fore.   Mars in Scorpio, sitting in the seventh house, ruled naturally by Libra, suggests that public opinion is critical to him during this transit.  Mars, the God of War, is on a mission and wants what he believes is rightfully his.  

To add fuel to the fire, Mars in Scorpio also has the ear of Mercury in Scorpio.   Wait. Mercury, the messenger planet, looks to have been fed optimistic information from another foreign country, so he’s feeling confident in his battle. He will not back down or away from what he’s now set out to achieve. It’s looking like society’s sentiments will alter his “advisor’s” strategy, however, potentially leaving the oppressor in a very challenging position to go it alone publicly.

This is an all-or-nothing, trust-no-one scenario where love has certainly been lost.   Oh no. Hell hath no fury, and Scorpio is stopping at nothing.  Any enemies? They can expect to see a lot of dirt dug up and with winning, the eye is on the long game.  

So what is going to happen, you ask? Its not so simple with a two-month Mars in Scorpio transit who isn’t going anywhere until 24 November when he moves into Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius. Let’s consider what Jupiter, who loves prosperity, wealth, big business and indulgence, has in mind. We also need to take into account Uranus, who governs rebellions, autonomy and revolutions. He is looking to break with tradition.

Lo and behold, we have the highly anticipated Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus now in sight and affecting the situation. These planets will be exact at 21 degrees next April, combining their enormous forces. Jupiter and Uranus are both future-oriented. Dogmatic and judgmental Taurus, this time, has an eye on greed. Why? He’s usually more philosophic. Freedom-loving Uranus, on the other hand, is looking for a breakthrough. He loves to bring along some chaos and disruption. He’s not called the great awakener for nothing.

This meta-planet of Jupiter-Uranus (two planets now acting as one) started a new 14-year cycle in late July. Taurus is an earth sign that oversees money; Jupiter rules wealth and always looks to expand whatever he touches, suggesting he’s ultimately looking at greater financial gains.  His opponent, Uranus, has a vision of freedom, independence, and a robust belief system but must dig deep. This aspect often favours the underdog. Jupiter wants to solve a problem, but at the moment Uranus is limited in his expression, so he must improvise.  This is a societal change for the history books that will be spoken about for a very long time. 

Uranus was last in Taurus from 1935 to 1942. Let’s look back to 1941 - the last Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus.  Dare we mention the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour or the failed Nazi invasion of Russia?   Notably, it was during this time the world saw the swiftest and most brutal rise of Hitler’s Germany.  Germany itself, however, was relatively immune from the impact of the Third Reich until 1942, when Germany’s casualties started to increase dramatically - namely due to a poorly thought-through winter invasion of Moscow.  

There’s more; a glance back to Jupiter-Uranus conjunct in 1775-76, and we see the start of the American Revolution, and at the beginning of the next conjunction in 1788-89, we see the French Revolution and the fall of the Bastille.

Shall we skip to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of 1968-69? Not surprisingly, these planetary energies coincided with a huge number of rebellions and uprisings, the insurgency in Vietnam, and the rise of the civil rights and black power movements.   October 1968 saw the “Tlatelolco Massacre”, which took place only days before the Summer Olympics in Mexico City, which were scheduled to begin. What about Peru’s prime minister, who was sworn in and then deposed by the "Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces"  only 24 hours later? Unusually, for a military coup, they were there to force the redistribution of farmlands and increase the standard of living for Peru's impoverished citizens.  Again, Jupiter-Uranus goes big because the same year, almost 30 years of violence in Northern Ireland began after a policeman attacked a protest group marching for the rights of the Irish minority Catholics against the protestants.

Is the astonishing predictive power of astrology starting to resonate with you yet? 

Mark in your diary the Full Moon in judicial Libra eclipse on 25 March 2024 and the New Moon Eclipse in a courageous Aries on 8 April 2024, as what has been hidden will undoubtedly come to light then or in the month following, give or take five days. Just know that no one likes to feel cheated and lied to.  Uranus affects the nervous system so you are advised to practice emotional detachment if you are to avoid any excessive or chronic worry and neurosis you may have up until then.

What’s in it for you when Jupiter forms a conjunction with Uranus in your birth chart? Remember, Jupiter rules opportunity, expansion and abundance, and Uranus, liberation, humanitarianism, utopia and the unexpected. 

It is more likely that you will take a risk during a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and trust your intuition (for a change). Wow, others will be talking about your leap of faith as soon as the end of May 2024. What a buzz you will be creating. Are you looking to thrive, change or even innovate whatever it is you have been working on? This is the perfect conjunction to help you improve and grow. Are you moving toward what you want to attract, or is it moving toward you? What do you believe is possible for a better future? You can go for it.

As ideas flow naturally, it’s surprisingly easy to stay ahead of the curve in 2024 (before the rest cotton on). You're more inclined to embrace spontaneity now as you resist rigidity, excessive guidance, or authority. Make sure you leave space for personal discovery and exploration. Your mind is quick to see opportunities and solutions where others might not. Tip: Authenticity will be essential, and a genuine, open-hearted approach will set you apart.

Are you ready for Jupiter-Uranus to help you break free from any limiting conventional traditions, cultures or customs? Your ideas, beliefs, worldviews, and opinions can appear refreshingly unconventional.

This is a great time to explore other factors in your birth chart with your astrologer or The Karmic Soul if you can’t wait until next April.