The Karmic Soul

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Trust Your Energies

We start this week with the Moon in Sagittarius, are you idealising a situation or blissfully moulding into another’s energy? Trust your intuition and have faith that any serious conversations you have had over the past month, your first impressions were more accurate than you know. It’s also a time when it becomes easier to change your habits around work.

By Sunday, February 11, and the New Moon in Pisces, your partner may likely suggest a surprisingly seamless framework that works.  You would be wise to take their advice if you can.  The Universe is setting you up for success.

Hold your horses a little, don’t push too hard for answers you want to hear. Let another meet you in the middle - at their speed.  Everything is moving ahead nicely. Watch for results by the end of the day on February 12 through to early evening on February 14. Is there an element of secrecy to whatever you’re doing? You're simply playing it safe and trying not to get your hopes up too high.