Black New Moon & Changing Perspectives
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Black New Moon & Changing Perspectives

Are you feeling all fired up with no place to go? As we lead into the Black (New Moon) in Gemini on 30 May the stars are reminding you that before you start something new, first prepare for it.  The Black Moon is the second New Moon in May so signals not only a complete change in perspective but you’re ready to get going. Helping you out is energetic Mars and giver of gifts, Jupiter, dosed up in Aries.

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Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio

There are a couple of manifestations of this Eclipse to watch out for, Scorpio is focused firmly on the future pending more news. Before you walk away from your current situation (for good) you may be looking carefully at any unusual activity. Any deceit, (including infidelity), or looming issues with the opposite sex seem to make a ‘goodbye forever’ scenario easier.

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Jupiter in Aries
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Jupiter in Aries

One of our favourite planets, the glorious, gift giving Jupiter, is now making his year long transit through the zodiac starting in the impulsive fire sign, Aries. He expands whatever he touches, and ruled by Sagittarius, he shows us what it’s like to have fun, be heroic and shoot from the hip. Jupiter has the propensity to embellish things. Negatively, he’s temperamental when you’re not paying him attention.

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Planetary Planning for May
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

Planetary Planning for May

How will May and the Sun in Taurus affect you? It’s best to prepare and plan ahead if you can, so have your birth chart handy. Pisces and Aries, Taurus Gemini and even Scorpio and Aquarius house topics will be having a major effect on you. Let’s see why.

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9-12 April 2022
Kirstyn Lewis Kirstyn Lewis

9-12 April 2022

Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions are felt by everyone, and in Pisces, more intuitively and deeply than you imagine. Loved ones will weigh heavily on your mind, with an overwhelming sensitivity in areas that you are struggling to come to terms with or haven’t deal with. Everything is changing but frustrating the path still isn’t clear. It’s one blind step at a step at the moment. On a positive note, you will know what the day ahead holds before you begin. These thoughts stay only with you. Your insights become evolutionary, a turning point as it were.

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