Count your Blessings

With Mars moving into Pisces on Saturday, March 23, it looks like old bossy boots Pluto has been happy with Mars’ fleeting but tempered performance in Aquarius since mid February so now trusts Mars to make a suitably big announcement around money, an outwardly fruitful marriage or a business arrangement (this one may rock the boat a little).   

A cheery Jupiter and his unpredictable mate Uranus are taking care of things you can’t see, understand or control.   Together they see the very best and the very worst of your situation and ask you put your ego to bed together with any unrealistic expectations you may have.  Count your blessings.  You mustn’t quiver about the detail or it could bring you unstuck if you are too demanding.  

For some, a large, slow moving organization, large company or institution wish to extend their generosity of spirit around a situation.  It seems they have heard both sides of a story now, so you can expect an outcome from any conversations had very shortly.  They understand that sometimes a decision they have the power to make, (one that means nothing to them personally but everything to another) has the potential to completely change the course of a person’s life.  You will remember the moment in years to come.  Again, the theme is: don’t force the situation, it’s a spiritual based offering. 

Destiny is at play on the eve of a surprisingly adaptable lunar eclipse in Libra. The moon will be exact with the South Node at 15 degrees, just before 9am, Tuesday 26 March, so let go of what has gone before.  Then work through the day, quietly, creatively or in a charitable way. Unexpectedly, love may also in the air for singles who have been hanging around together as work friends or play buddies.  


The Significance of Eclipses


How I Learnt Astrology and Began My Spiritual Path